Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Java 8 Heap Memory Issue

Recently I have migrated one of my application from JDK 6 to JDK 8. Once I have migrated to Java 8, I observed the Heap memory is completely getting saturated & CPU consumption is also very high and application is becoming unresponsive.

From thread dump it becomes clear JAXB was taking the memory. Below approach was taken to resolve the issue.

1. Limit the Metaspace max size:
As Metaspace in Java 8 has no limit  hence it was taking the complete heap memory over a period of time; hence set the metaspace max limit using below one in JVM Argument
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m  - sets the maximum size of the Metaspace to 512 MB
2. JAXB configuration optimization: 
As my application uses lots of XML marshalling & unmarshalling. Hence below addition configuration was required in JVM Argument

Useful link for MetaSpace:


Convert Java Project from Log4j 1 to Log4j2

Many times while working on old Java projects we find Log4j 1.x is used. But as the Log4j2 is the new one; hence to upgrade to Log4j2 we nee...