Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How to do a full-text search in SVN repository

SVN clients like TortoiseSVN does not come with the content search support. It can be done by using Git SCM client.


Please follow the below steps on Windows

Goto https://git-scm.com/download/win

Download & install the exe file

Copying SVN Content to Local Drive:
Create a folder in any drive. e.g. D:\myrepo

Go to windows command prompt

Then from command prompt navigate to D:\myrepo (using cd)

Clone the SVN repository to the local drive (D:\myrepo) by executing below command

git svn clone <SVN_URL>

You will be prompted for username/password in command prompt while downloading the SVN content

Search the content:

Once the download is finished in D:\myrepo; execute the below command providing the text to be searched in <keyword>.

git grep -i <keyword> [e.g. git grep -i abcd]

-i is used to provide case-insensitive content search. To make the search case-sensitive remove -i option

The list of files with contents will be printed in the command prompt

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Google AI tutorial/crash courses

Google tutorial/crash courses for learning AI:

Useful Links for JEE Devlopment

1. Links on Burlap Web service creation. A very easy way for Java to Java remoting:



2. J2EE application Deployment Problem:


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Web app root system property already set to

a different value: 'webapp.root'




3. Solution on Axis 2 issue on Upgrade to 1.7.4 from 1.4.1:

Configuration required:

<parameter name="disableREST" locked="false">true</parameter>
Detail explanation in below blog


4.REST API Naming convention:

Printing the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE output from oracle to System.out in Java

Often we need to debug a Oracle stored procedure which is called from Java. In that case, it is helpful to log the DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line from Java using JDBC driver.
The below link guides a way to retrieve DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line from JDBC:


Eclipse Papyrus: An easy way to create UML diagrams

 As a software designer/architect one would always need to take the help of UML. There are many open source tools available in market to create UML diagrams.

Visual Paradigm,Star UML to name a few. But my best personal choice is Eclipse Papyrus. This tool is very easy to learn to create UML diagrams.

Check out youtube videos on how to create various UML diagrams using Eclipse Papyrus:

Check out Eclipse Papyrus here


Download Link


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Axis 2 Directory traversal vulnerability

Axis 2 Directory traversal  security vulnerability

Recently I have encountered one security issue of Axis 2 (1.4.1) service. The attacker can navigate to the axis.xml using the link https://victim.com/axis2/services/Version?xsd=../conf/axis2.xml & can see the Axis 2 username & password. Then attacker can deploy any malicious service to hack the system.
The issue seems to happen if the Axis 2 version <1.5.3. Upgrading the existing version to 1.5.3 (at minimal, upper versions also support) solves the problem.

The root cause of the issue is below configuration in Axis 2 1.4.1 version:
<transportReceiver name="http"
        <parameter name="port">8080</parameter>

SimpleHTTPServer does not block any request & hence directory traversal is possible.

I have followed the below steps to upgrade the Axis 2 from 1.4.1 to 1.5.3
1.     Upgrade the Axis 2 version to 1.5.3. & update the jars

2.     Once the JARS have been upgraded, change the below ones in conf\axis2.xml


<transportReceiver name="http"
        <parameter name="port">8080</parameter>

with below one

<transportReceiver name="http"
        <parameter name="port">8080</parameter>

    <transportReceiver name="https"
        <parameter name="port">8443</parameter>
3.     Comment TCPTransportSender in axis2.xml
    <transportSender name="tcp"

Eclipse Collection

Links for Eclipse Collection https://piotrminkowski.com/2021/06/22/using-eclipse-collections/ https://sendilkumarn.com/blog/eclipse-collecti...