Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How to do a full-text search in SVN repository

SVN clients like TortoiseSVN does not come with the content search support. It can be done by using Git SCM client.


Please follow the below steps on Windows

Goto https://git-scm.com/download/win

Download & install the exe file

Copying SVN Content to Local Drive:
Create a folder in any drive. e.g. D:\myrepo

Go to windows command prompt

Then from command prompt navigate to D:\myrepo (using cd)

Clone the SVN repository to the local drive (D:\myrepo) by executing below command

git svn clone <SVN_URL>

You will be prompted for username/password in command prompt while downloading the SVN content

Search the content:

Once the download is finished in D:\myrepo; execute the below command providing the text to be searched in <keyword>.

git grep -i <keyword> [e.g. git grep -i abcd]

-i is used to provide case-insensitive content search. To make the search case-sensitive remove -i option

The list of files with contents will be printed in the command prompt

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