Sunday, January 21, 2024


Semgrep is used for SAST tool.

Steps to get the SAST report:

  1. Checkout the code in your local directory from Github.
  2. Goto & create the login
  3. docker run -it returntocorp/semgrep semgrep login
  4. Copy the URL provided in browser to Activate the token
  5. From Command prompt navigate to local folder where code is checked out from Github
  6. From command prompt copy the token & run below command with token
  7. docker run -e SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN=<token> --rm -v "<local repo>:/src" returntocorp/semgrep semgrep ci
  8. Check the report from SemGrep UI
Additional Info (For SVN repo):
Semgrep presently supports only Git project.
Hence if you are using SVN as code repository,  then first convert the SVN to Git project (Details in link

Once done, you can ran the above steps on the for generating the report.
In case you get a error like "Unable to infer repo_url. Set SEMGREP_REPO_URL environment variable or run in a valid git project with remote origin defined", then add the git repository using below command

git remote add origin<repo_name>

This command should be run in an empty folder & run git init first

Incase, you want to dump the report to in local file then use below command

docker run -e SEMGREP_APP_TOKEN=<token> --rm -v "<local repo>:/src" returntocorp/semgrep semgrep ci > semrep_report.txt

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