Friday, April 12, 2019

UTF-8 encoding issue in Response in Tomcat

I have observed UTF-8 encoding issue for JSON response in Tomcat. By default tomcat uses ISO-8859-1. Below are the solution approaches:

Tomcat response (response is appended with ISO-8859-1 charset by Tomcat)
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1

Approach #1:
Add the below code in custom filter or servlet before sending the response


Approach #2: (Better approach)
Use filter provided by Spring framework as mentioned below; which make the response to UTF-8 (Can add any other charset also).
Please add the below part in web.xml. The respective jar exists in spring-web dependency module.

Snippet to add in web.xml:




Reshma said...

Reshma said...

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