Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Thread Dump in Java

Steps to take thread dump in Java in Windows

1. Download PSTools from below link
2. Use below command to take thread dump:

psexec -s <Path_to_JDK_bin_folder>\jstack.exe -l <process_id> ><PATH_WITH_FILE_NAME_FOR_DUMP>

psexec -s D:\jdk1.8.0_171\bin\jstack.exe -l 319732 >D:\dump.txt

3. Download IBM Thread Dump Analyzer(TDA) from below link

4. Double click on the jar to open
5. Click on File-->Open Thread Dumps.
6. Choose the thread dump file
7. Click on Analysis-->Thread Status Analysis

Details on TDA can be found here 

1 comment:

bikash said...

Thanks Sourav its very useful to production issues. Can you describe details what are the action point as per analysis.

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