Tuesday, August 24, 2021

TechBlog Links

 As a good software engineer, one needs to keep updated on the emerging technologies & the use cases where to apply those technologies. 

To gain more knowledge, one should follow the technology blogs; below are few of my favorite technology blogs:

1. https://blog.allegro.tech/

2. https://doordash.engineering/

3. https://engineering.cerner.com/

4. https://booking.design/

5. https://netflixtechblog.com/

6. https://medium.com/expedia-group-tech

7. https://comcast.github.io/blog.html

8. https://shekhargulati.com/

9. https://www.appsdeveloperblog.com/keycloak-rest-api-create-a-new-user/

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Map to List Using Guava

Suppose, we have a list of Employee objects where we want to create a Map from the list with employee id as Key. You can do that with Java S...