Saturday, April 9, 2022

AWS Service Call from Postman

Many of the times you need to use AWS services via Postman for testing.

I am using Amazon Translate Service, below are the configuration made to call the service:

In Postman choose the Post method for call

Service URL:

In "Authorization" tab choose "Type" "AWS Signature"

Provide AccessKey, SecretKey, AWS Region, Service Name

The region I am using is "us-east-1" , Service Name will be "translate"

Then Move to "Headers" tab & add the following Headers

Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1

X-Amz-Target: AWSShineFrontendService_20170701.TranslateText

N.B. X-Amz-Date will be generated by Postman automatically

Under "Body", select "raw", and added the following sample body:

    "SourceLanguageCode": "en",
    "TargetLanguageCode": "es",
    "Text": "Hello, world"

Now hit the Send button & check the result.

Clicking on the "Code" in Postman you can also get the cod for Java/Node JS and many other languages.

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