Monday, June 26, 2023

How to use RxJava to process multiple threads in parallel & in sequence


In this blog I will discuss 2 scenarios where RxJava threading can be helpful:

1. Run Multiple threads in parallel & wait for all of them to complete

2. Run threads sequentially (one after another)

First, add the below dependency in Maven

Below are the 2 Completable threads created
import io.reactivex.Completable;
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
Completable cp1= Completable.fromAction(()->{
//business logic

Completable cp2= Completable.fromAction(()->{
//business logic
Now for scenario 1
cp1.mergeWith(cp2).blockingAwait(); // cp1 & cp2 will run concurrently & wait for complete for both tasks

For scenario 2

Thursday, June 8, 2023

How to view Wifi Password in Network

 Many times you may need to check the password set-up in the Wifi Network. You can use the following steps:

Open Windows command prompt

type in below command replacing the wifi network name

netsh wlan show profile <wifi_nw_name> key=clear

In response check Key Content value under Security Settings

Map to List Using Guava

Suppose, we have a list of Employee objects where we want to create a Map from the list with employee id as Key. You can do that with Java S...